你上次是什么时候。。。? (nǐ shàng cì shì shénme shíhou) when was the last time you... ? | 描述 (miáoshù) describe it |
。。。时你最喜欢做什么? (shí nǐ zuì xǐhuan zuò shénme) what do you like most when... ? | 你怎么评价这。。。? (nǐ zěnme píngjià zhè) what do you think about...? |
你喜欢哪个[object]?X还是Y? (nǐ xǐhuan nǎge [object]? X háishì Y?) which [object] do you prefer: X or Y? | 你会做吗 (nǐ huì zuò ma)? would you do that again? |
你建议吗? (nǐ jiànyì ma) do you recommend this? | 。。。花了你多久时间? (huāle nǐ duōjiǔ shíjiān) how long did it take you to... ? |